Upcoming Events
Kishwaukee Special Recreation Association serves the patrons of:
DeKalb Park District | Flagg-Rochelle Park District | Genoa Township Park District | Sandwich Park District | Sycamore Park District
KSRA provides year-round Recreation Therapy opportunities for individuals with special needs by working with staff to mainstream participants into Park District sponsored recreation programs as well as providing their own unique programming. KSRA services help increase the overall quality of life for individuals with disabilities through active involvement in community leisure activities.
Kish SRA programs are designed for children and adults with special needs and their families who live throughout Dekalb, Kendall, and Ogle Counties.
Kishwaukee Special Recreation Association's mission is to serve all residents who have special needs and to facilitate the inclusion of these individuals into leisure programs.
For more information about Kishwaukee Special Recreation Association and its great programs, please check out their website or contact Dawn Schaefer, KSRA's Executive Director, at (779)777-7286 or dschaefer@kishsra.org.