Pumpkin Smash'N'Bash
Date: Saturday, November 2, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM
Location: Hopkins Park, 1403 Sycamore Road
Bring your carved pumpkins to Hopkins Park Sled Hill for various pumpkin activities and competitions. Have fun following your pumpkin down the sled hill in the pumpkin roll competition! Then smash your pumpkin and turn it into compost that will help nourish plants in the spring. Please remove any candles and glow sticks beforehand. Painted pumpkins cannot be composted and, therefore, cannot be brought to the event. FREE!
NEW! Scarecrow Showcase
*EVENT UPDATE* Unfortunately, due to low enrollment, the Scarecrow Showcase portion of Pumpkin Smash'n'Bash has been CANCELED, but there is still plenty of fun to be had, so we hope you will still join us on November 2!
Grab your supplies and show us what exciting scarecrows you can dream up! Build your own upcycled and recycled scarecrow to showcase around Hopkins Park! Community viewing and mobile voting are open from October 31 - November 1. On-site voting is available during Pumpkin Smash’N’Bash from 1:00 – 2:00 pm. Awards will be presented at 3:00 pm! Registration categories: K-5th Grade, 6th-12th Grade, Adult, and Family. See the rules below! Presented in cooperation with the University of Illinois Extension and the DeKalb County Health Department- Solid Waste Program.
Registration Deadline: October 24 • $8 R/ $10 NR per scarecrow entry